(3) to mean that Govitidapāla was alive, but that part of the country which once belonged to him, had then ceased to do so.
At the time of the Muhammadan conquest, we find similar peculiar wording in inscriptions and colophones of MSS. The second conclusion is obviously wrong, as we know from the colophone of one of the Sanskrit MSS. in the Cambridge University Library (see No. 5 below) that his kingdom was destroyed (Vinaṣṭa) in his 38th regnal year; so he could not have died before that date. The first interpretation is also obviously impossible, as there is no evidence in the whole range of Northern India Inscriptions of an "expired regnal year" being used to express a date. The third explanation is the only one applicable to the particular case. We find a parallel case in the Belkhara Inscription of V.S. 1253.[1]
The rest of the records are colophones of manuscripts.
(2) Colophone of a MS. of the Aṣṭa-sāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā (last page only) recently acquired by Mahāmahopādhyāya Hara Prasāda Śāstrī:—
- —vāpya ca dhārayitvā vācayitvā—vāpya pravarttānāṁ viharantu sadārthina iti॥ Ye dharmmā hetu prabhavā
- (he)tun-teṣān-tathāgato hy-avadat-'eṣāñ-ca yo nirodha evaṁ vādī mahāśramaṇaḥ॥ Deyadharmoyaṁ pravara-mahā-yāna (yāyi-)
- naḥ Khānodakīya Yaśarāpur-āvasthānevaṁ॥ Dānapati Kṣānti-rakṣitasya yadatra puṇyan-tadbhavaty-ācary-opādhyāya mā
- tā pitṛ pūrvaṁgamaṁ kṛtvā sakala satva-rāśer-anuttara-jñāna-phal-āvāptaya iti॥ Śrīmad-Govindapāladevasy-ātīta
- Samvatsa 18 Kārttika dine 15 Caṅgaḍa pāṭakāvasthita Khānodakīya Yaśarāpure Ācārya Prajñānu—
(3) Colophone of a MS. of Amarakoṣa in the collection of the Asiatic Society of Bengal:—
- -ṣepi tat॥ Arthāntāḥ ādy-alaṁ prāpt-āpanna-pūrvvāḥ paropagāḥ। taddhitārthe dviguḥ saṁkhyā-sarvvaṇāma-tad-antakāḥ॥ Vahuvrīhir-adig-nāmnām-unneyaṁ tad-udā-
- -hṛtam। Guṇa-dravya-kriyā-yog-opādhibhiḥ (portion of the palm-leaf torn out) r-agāminaḥ। Kutaḥ karttaryasaṁjñāyāṁ kṛtyāḥ karttari karmmaṇi॥ Anādy-ant-āstena rakt-ādy-arthen-ā
- -nartha-bhedakāḥ। Pada-sañjñakāmiṣu yuṣmad-asmat-tiṅavyayaṁ॥ Paraṁ virodhi śeṣam tu jñeyaṁ śiṣṭa prayogataḥ॥ Liṅgasaṅgrahaḥ samāptaḥ।
- Paramabhaṭṭārak-ety-ādi rājāvalī pūrvvavat Śrī-Govinda-pālīya saṁvat 24 Caitra śudi 8 śubham-astu sarvva jagatām-iti[2]
(4) Colophone of a MS. of the Guhyāvalī vivṛiti in the collection of the University of Cambridge[3]:—
- Yad-alambhi puṇyan-ten-āstu sarvva-jagataḥ kila bodhi-lakṣmīḥ। Yat sarvva-satva-janit-āśubha-yogatohaṁ syān-nārak-ānala-vṛto