Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/21

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LIST OF THE KNIGHT-BAEONETS OF SCOTLAND (PRECEDING THE UNION) WITH THE DATES OF THEIR DIPLOMAS. From a manuscript, by Robert Milne, preserved in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh (32. 6. 6), supposed to have been taken from a list or book of accounts in the Exchequer, which perished with many other records in the fire that occurred in that office ; with additional entries from the "Roll of Baronets of Nova Scotia who had territorial grants from Sir William Alexander, Earl of Stirling." printed, with other documents relating to Nova Scotia, by the Bannatyne Club,^ 1867, and other sources. Several of these are included in the Register of the Great Seal of Scotland in H.M. General Register House, Edinburgh, and also in the "Register of Signatouris in the Office of ComptroUerie," but others, probably from not having paid the fees, seem not to have been registered. Some further particulars as to remainders have also been added from the patents as recorded, but all matter not in Milne's List is included in brackets. The entries to which the letter (S) is placed are included in the roll of Baronets of Nova Scotia printed bv the Bannatyne Club, and those marked by an asterisk appear in that roll only, and not in Milne's List. The names marked with a dagger ( f ) are not recorded in the " Registrum Preceptorum Cartarum pro Baronettis Novae Scotiae," 1625-30, deposited in the General Register House, Edm- burgh, or in the Great Seal Register ; those marked ( J ) are not in the Great Seal Register. iVoto.— These with the letters A. M. B., their Patents are only providit to the heires male of their owne bodyes, and these with the letters A. M. are providit to the heires male whatsoever. Nota etiam. — When a Patent is providit to heirs successive it imports heires female and heirs whatsoever. Date of Patent. 12 July 1625 1 January 1628 27 July 1629 28 July 1629 28 November 169i 30 April 1666 20 August 1666 Name of Patentee, Date of Sealing, &c. Alexakder (X) Atchisox (t) Arkot (t) Agnew(J) Anstruther Ahannay (J) Aerskin Aerskin Abercrombie (t) (A.) William, of Menstrie. Sealed 9 Sept. 1625. A.M. Sir Archibald, of Glencaime, Secretare. Sealed 8 Aug. 1631. A.M. MiCHAELL, of that ilk. Sealed 9 July 1630. A.M. Patrick, of Lochnow. Sealed 22 Feb. 1630. A.M. Robert, of Wrae. A.M.B. Robert, of Mochrum, Armigero, Esquire of the body ; only in ane old lisf^ Charles, of Aloa. A. M. B. Charles, Lord Lyon. A.M.B. Sir Alexander, of Birkenbog Remarks. Earl of Stirling, extinct 4 Dec. 1739 (Achesonof Monteagle— S.) Earl Gosford (S.) Fiar of Arnot, 27 July. Burke's Peerage, &c. 1837 (? extinct) (28 Jttne,of Agnew— S.) Baronetage Baronetage (31 March 1630— S.) Hannay. See Burke'sPeerage, 1839. ? extinct. Earl of Rosslyn Ancestor of the Earls of Kellie, ex- tinct on the death of Methven , 10th Earl and 9th Bart. 1829. (18 June 1636— S.) Baronetage 21 April 1626 28 July 1626 [29 September 1628 Burnet Blaccader Barr (* t) (B.) Sir Thomas, of Leys. 12 June 1626. A.M. Sealed John, of TuUiallan. 3 Feb. 1627. A.M. Robert] Sealed (S.) See Baronetage (Of Blackadder, 18th- S.) Left an onlydau. and heir Marriott, m. to Lawrence Oiiphant, of Condie (S.) A burgess of Glasgow » Sir Robert Hannay, of Mochrum, Knt and his heirs male whatsoever.— Register of Signatures, 31 March, 1630. h