Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/22

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MILNE'S LIST OF Date of Patent. 29 September 1628 [2 October 1628 22 Decenaber 1633 [19 December 1635 [17 June 1636 21 November 1636 17 February 166i 21 October 1668 22 October 1668 18 November 1670 28 July 1671 4 February 1680 28 December 1682 16 February 1686 28 February 1695 Name of Patentee, Date of Sealing, &c. Bruce (f) Barrett (* J) Balfour Broun Bruce Barcklay Bennet Bennet Baird Bennerman Broun Baird William, of Stenhouse. Sealed 10 August 1629 [A.M.] Edward, Lord Newburgh. Heirs male.] James, of Denmill. A.M. Bingham (J) Captaine Henrie, of Castle Barr. The Patent is sealed 30 June 1634. [A.M.] Bruce (J) Sir John, of Clackmannan; inane old list BouRK {%) Sir Myles, Viscount of Mayo, in Ireland BoURK {%) Theobald, son and heir of Vis- count Mayo BouRK (t) John, son and heir of the Lord Bourk BOLLES (* X) Maria, of Osburtone, in the county of Nottingham, widow, and her heirs male and assignees" Browne (* f ) I Johne, of Neale (Mayo)] Baillie Gideon, of Lochend. A.M. Remarks. James, Armiger, in Insuala de Barbados. A. M. B. Sir William, of Balcaskie. A.M.B. SirKOBERTjOf Peirstoun. A.M.B. William, of Grub it. A. M. B. George, of the shyre of Fyfe. His father was minister of the Col- ledge Kirk of Edin"^. He was in service of Cassimor, King of Po- land, and was ane of his noble- men, and came to gi'eat riches. A.M.B. William, son to Lord Newbyth. A. M. B. Alexander, of Elsick. A.M.B. Patrick, of Colstoun. A. M. James, of Sauchtounhall ; the same day with Sir Kobert Dick- son, of Sornbeg. A.M. B. (26 June 1629-S.) Baronetage (S.) Chancellor of the E.xchequer 1635 to 1642 ; d.s. p. 1644 (S.) Lyon King of Armes. " Sir Patrick B., 8th Bart." Broun's Baronetage and Burke's Peerage, 1852. (?) Dormant on the death of Sir Patrick Balfour, 8th Bart. (Co. Mayo, 7 June 1634— S.) Earl of Lucan See Pedigree Douglas Baronage, pp. 238-9 Extinct peerage Theobald, son of Myles, 2nd Vis- count Mayo. Extinct peerage ? same (S.) Extinct (S.) Baron Kilmaine (S.) His eldest son Sir James died before 1648, and his dau. Margaret m. 1 April 1677 to Sir John Col- quhoun, Bart, of Luss. She re-m. to Archibald Stirling, of Garden, and d. 20 July 1679 Extinct on the death of his son, Sir John Brace, of Kinross, 2nd Bart. Baronetage Extinct on the death of his grand- son, Sir John, 2nd Bart. 1746 Baronetage. See Bannerman ' Chaos' Baronetage [a James is an error for Robert. See pedigree.] 28 May 1625 29 May 1625 30 August 1625 Campbell (J) Campbell (J) COLQUHOUN (C.) ■ of Lundie, wes nixt Stra- quhan of Thorntoun, in Denmills list, bot is extinct. [A.M.] Duncan, of Glenurchie. Sealed 30 June 1627 [A.M.] (John) of Luz. Sealed 20 October 1625. A.M. (Sir Colin Campbell, of Lundie, 53 Dec. 1 627— S.) 2nd son of Colin, 6th Earl of Argyll ; supposed extinct (S.) Earl of Breadalbane (Of Colquhoun— S.) Earl of Seafleld