Page:The Prince.djvu/32

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city of talent which procured him, at an early age, the high and confidential post of Secretary to the Council of Ten, or, in other words, the republic of Florence. His genius, his learning, and vast intelligence, were so conspicuous and pre-emi- nent, that he was alternately appointed their ambassador to the courts of Germany, France, Rome, to the Swiss, and several of the states of Italy; and on every occasion, where superior talents and deep penetration were necessary, Machiavelli was chosen to execute it.

Being their general ambassador, it some- times occurred that his mission conferred no honour upon him. It was on one of those occasions, in which he was sent to a Chapter of Monks at Carpi, that his friend Guichardini wrote to him thus:

"My dear Machiavelli, when I think on your new title of ambassador to a community of monks, and when I think on the dukes, princes, and kings, with whom you have negociated, it brings to. my mind Lysander, who, after so many vic-