Page:The Prince.djvu/33

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tories and trophies, was ordered to distribute provisions to those very soldiers whom he had so gloriously commanded.”

But Machiavelli soon passed the zenith of his fortune: when the family of Medicis gained. the ascendancy at Florence, he lost his situation, and was no longer employed. He was even accused of being concerned in a conspiracy against that family, and was actually put to the torture[1], which he bore with admirable firmness.

The power of the Medici being too firmly seated to be shaken by any gust of fortune, they endeavoured to conciliate and gain the affections of this celebrated man. Clement the VIIth engaged him to write the history of Florence, and had it dedicated to himself; and to Lorenzo de Medicis, he dedicated his "Prince." Yet, notwithstanding this illustrious patronage, Machiavelli died poor, leaving behind him two sons.

Machiavelli was a citizen of a republic,

  1. Vide Dedication to the Prince.