Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/135

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RECORDS OF TI-Iw? FEDERAL CON-V?NTION' COMMITTEE OF DETAIL, COMMITTEE OF DETAIL [Among the Wilson Papers in the Library of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania are found a number of documents evidently relating to the work of the Committee of Detail. With a few additions from other sources, it is possible to present a nearly complete series of documents representing the various stages of the work of the Committee. All documents obt?in- able are here given.] I' [PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONVENTION, Ju?- ?9--Ju?.� 23.1 i. Resolved That the Government of the United States ought to consist of a Supreme Legislative, Judiciary and Executive 2. Resolved That the Legislature of the United States ought to consist of two Branches 3. Resolved That the Members of the first Branch of the Legislature of the United States ought to be elected by the People of the several States- for the Term of two Years- to be of the Age of twenty five Years at least--to be ineligible to and incapable of holding any Office under the Authority of the United States (except those peculiarly belonging to the Functions of the first Branch) during the Time of Service of the first Branch 4. Resolved That the Members of the second Branch of the Legislature of the United States ought to be chosen by the Individual Legislatures -- to be of the Age of thirty Years at least--to hold their Offices for the Term of six Years; one third to go out biennially -- to receive a Cornpen- l This document, found among the Wilson Papers, evidently represents the pro- ceedings referred to the Committee of Detail by the resolution of July 23. On, the first page is an estimate of rcpresen. tation based upon state requisitions; see Rt�ord? of June 9, note 24. ,