Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/136

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I30 RECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION COMMITTEE OF DETAIL, I 5' Resolved. 6. Resolved 7. Resolved sation for the Devotion of their Time to the public Service- to be ineligible to and incapable of holding any Office under the Authority of the United States (except those peculiarly belonging to the Functions of the second Branch) during the Term for which they are elected, and for one Year thereafter. That each Branch ought to possess the Right of originating Acts. That the Right of Suffrage in the first Branch of the Legislature of the United States ought not to be according to the Rules established in the Articles of Confederation but according to some equitable Ratio of Representation That in the original Formation of the Legisla- ture of the United States the first Branch thereof shall consist of sixty five Members of which Number New Hampshire shall send three-- Massachusetts eight- Rhode Island one- Con- necticut five -- New. York six ? New-Jersey four -- Pennsylvania eight -- Delaware one -- Mary- land six -- Virginia ten -- North. Carolina five ? South Carolina five -- Georgia three. But as the present Situation of the States may probably alter in the Number of their Inhabi- tants, the Legislature of the United States shall be authorised from Time to Time to apportion the Number of Representatives; and in Case any of the States shall hereafter be divided, or en- larged by Addition of Territory, or any two or more States united, or any new States created within the Limits of the United States, the Leg- islature of the United States shall possess Author- ity to regulate the Number of Representatives in any of the foregoing Cases, upon the Principle of the Number of their Inhabitants, according to the Provisions herein after mentioned namely -- Provided always that Representation ought to