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Page:The Riverside song book.djvu/36

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Joseph Hopkinson.

Alia marcia. Phyla.

1. Hail, Co lum - bia, hap - py land ! Hail, ye he - roes,

2. Im-mor - tal pa - triots ! rise once more ; De - fend your rights, de -

3. Sound, sound the trump of fame, Let Wash-ing -

4. Be-hold the chief who now com - mands, Once more to serve his

heav'n-born band! Who fought and bled in free - dom's cause, Who

fend your shore; Let no rude foe with im - pious hand, Let

ton's great name Ring thro' the world with loud ap - plause. Ring

conn - try stands — The rock on which the storm will beat, The

fought and bled in free-dom's cause. And when the storm of

no rude foe with im pious hand, In - vade the shrine where

thro' the world with loud ap - plause, Let ev - 'ry clime to

rock on which the storm will beat ; But arm'd in vir - tue

war was gone En - joy'd the peace your val - or won! Let

sa - cred lies. Of toil and blood the well - earned prize ! While

free - dom dear List - en with a joy - ful ear! With

firm and true His hopes are flx'd on heav'n and you! When