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Page:The Riverside song book.djvu/37

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in - de - pen- dence be our boast, Ev - er mindful what it cost;

off-'ring peace sin- cere and just, In heav'n we place a man-ly trust, That

e - qual skill, And god-like pow'r He gov - ern'din the fear - ful hour Of

hope was sink-ing in dis - may, And glooms obscur'd Columbia's day, His

Ev - er grate- ful for the prize. Let its al - tar reach the skies!

truth and jus - tice will pre - vail, And ev - 'ry scheme of bond-age fail,

hor - rid war; or guides with ease The hap-pier times of hon - est peace,

stead-y mind, from changes free. Re - solv'd on death or lib - er - ty.

Firm, u - ni - ted, let us be, Rally-ing round our lib - er - ty;

Firm, u - ni - ted, let us be, Rally-ing round our lib - er - ty;

Firm, u - ni - ted, let us be, Rally-ing round our lib - er - ty;

Firm, u - ni - ted, let us be, Rally-ing round our lib - er - ty;

As a band of broth-ers join'd, Peace and safe-ty we shall find.

As a band of broth-ers join'd, Peace and safe-ty we shall find.

As a band of broth-ers join'd, Peace and safe-ty we shall find.

As a band of broth-ers join'd, Peace and safe-ty we shall find.