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Anno 1o ANNÆE. A.D. 1702.

Statutes made in the Parliament Begun at Westminster, on the Thirtieth Day of December, In the THIRTEENTH Year or the Reign of King William The Third And from thence continued to the Eighth Day of March, In the FOURTEENTH Year or the same King. AND FURTHER CONTINUED To THE Twenty-eighth Day or May, In the FIRST Year, or the Reign or Queen ANNE.

Ex Rotulo Parliamentt de Anno Regni Annae Reginae primo.

In PARLIAMENTO inchoa apud West Tricesimo Die Decembris Anno Regni Serenis atqꝫ, Excellentis Di ri Gulielmi cii Dei Gra Ang Sco Fran & Hinie ℟ Fidei Defensor &c. Decimo )cio & abinde ꝑ seꝑat Adjournament continua) ad & in Octavum Diem Martij Anno Regni dieti Di ri ℟ Decimo quarto Annoqꝫ, Di Millesimo septingesima primo (in quem Diem dictus Dus Rex Diem suum clausit extremum) & ulterius continua ad & in Vicesim quintum Diem Maij Anno Regni De re Anne Regine Primo Annoqꝫ, Dt Millesimo septingentesimo secundo Ci omnium Do tam Spiritua quam Tempora & Communitatis consensu & Regie Majestatis Assensu sancita inactitata ordinara & stabilita fuerunt sequentia hec Statu ad verbum ut sequitur

Public Acts.

CHAPTER 1([1])

Rot, Parl. 1 Anne p. 2 ([1] n. 1.) An Act for the better Support of Her Majesties Houshold and of the Honour and Dignity of the Crown.

Most Gracious Sovereign

Recital of Stat, 2 W.& M.c 3. WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament made in the Second Year of the Reign of Your Majesties Royal Brother and Sister our late Sovereign Lord and Lady King William and Queen Mary (of blessed Memory) intituled An Act for granting to Their Majesties for their Lives and the Life of the Survivor of them certain Impositions upon Beer Ale and other Liquors It was amongst other Things enacted that the several Rates Duties and Impositions upon Beer Ale Cyder and other Liquors mentioned in an Act of Parliament made in the Twelth Year of the Reign of Your Majesties Royal Uncle King Charles the Second§1. 12. Car. II. c. 23. intituled A Grant of certain Impositions upon Beer Ale and other Liquors for the Increase of His Majesties Revenues during His Life and thereby granted to the said late King Charles the Second for His Life should be levied collected and paid to Their said late Majesties King William

Vol. VII. B
  1. 1.0 1.1 The Calendar at the Rolls Chapel in headed thus: Secunda pars Anno Regai Anne Regine primo "Vide 1 pt. 13o & 14o Gu and which 11t Part contains Sic Chapters, and the common printed Editions therefore intitule this Chapter as Chapter 7 Stat. I., and preserve the same Distinction in the Number of each throughout the whole of 1st Ann. Stat. 1.