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10 Annæ, c. 1.
A.D 1702

and Queen Mary during their Lives and the Life of the Survivor of them in such Manner and Form as by the said first mentioned Act is expressed And whereas by an Act made in the Ninth Year of the Reign of His said late Majesty King William and of Sat. 9. W. III. c. 23. intituled An Act for granting to His Majesty a further Subsidy of Tonnage and Poundage towards raising the yearly Sum of Seven hundred thousand Pounds for the Service of His Majesties Household and other Uses therein mentioned during His Majesties Life several Subsidies of Tonnage and Poundage and other Duties upon the several and respective Wines Goods and Merchandizes in the same Act particularly mentioned were granted to His said late Majesty King William from the last Day of January which was in the Year of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety and nine during His Majesties Life for the Uses and Purposes therein mentioned And whereas by an Act of Parliament made in the Tenth Year of the Reign of His said late Majesty King William and of Stat.10 W. III. c. 10. for laying further Duties upon Sweets and for lessening the Duties upon Vinegar and other Things therein mentioned all former Duties charged upon Vinegar Vinegar Beer and Liquors preparing for Vinegar were determined §6. And it was thereby (amongst other Things) enacted That from and after the said Tenth Day of May One thousand six hundred ninety nine there should be paid for and upon every Barrel of Vinegar Vinegar Beer or Liquor preparing for Vinegar which should be [made or brewed [1]] of any English or Foreign Materials by any Person or Persons whatsoever for Sale and so in proportion for a greater or lesser Quantity the Sum of Eight Shillings And that Six Pence Part of the said Duty of Eight Shillings for every Barrel of Vinegar Vinegar Beer or Liquor preparing for Vinegar should be raised and paid to His said late Majesty King William during his Life (in lieu of a Duty of Six Pence charged on every Barrel of Vinegar Beer by the said first mentioned Act) and should be paid applied and diposed of to and for the same Uses and Purposes as the Duties granted by the same Act were directed to be applied and disposed of And whereas by an Act made in the Twelth Year of the Reign of His said late Majesty King William and of Stat 12 & 13 W. III. intituled An Act for appropriating Three thousand seven hundred Pounds weekly out of certain Branches of Excise for Publick Uses and for making a Provision for the Service of His Majesties Houshold and Family and other His necessary Occasions §1. It was amongst other Things enacted That from and after the Five and twentieth Day of December One thousand seven hundred for and during the whole Term of Five Years from thence next and immediately ensuing the full clear and intire weekly Sum of Three thousand seven hundred Pounds of lawful English Money out of all the Moneys arising by the Hereditary Rates and Duties of Excise which were granted to the Crown in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second and are mentioned in the Act last recited and by the said Duties of Excise payable during His Majesties Life and by every or any of them if all those Duties of Excise should so long continue and if the said Duties of Excise payable during His Majestis Life should happen to determine before the end of the said Term of Five Years then out of the Moneys arising intirely by the said Hereditary Duties of Excise for and during all the Residue which should be then to come and unexpired of the said Term of Five Years should be brought and paid into the Receipt of the Exchequer by such several and respective weekly Payments and in such manner and form as in the said Act are particularly mentioned for the Purposes by the said Act directed. §3. And it is thereby further enacted That all the rest and residue of the said particular Branches of Excise upon Beer Ale and other Liquors which should from time to time remain after the said weekly Payments should be made out of the same and the Revenue arising in the General Letter Office or Post Office or the Office of Post Master General and by the said further Subsidy of Tonnage and Poundage and by the small Branches of His Majesties Revenues herein after particularly expressed that is to say The First Fruits and Tenths of the Clergy the Fines for Writs of Covenant and Writs of Entry payable in the Alienation Office the Post Fines the Revenue of Wine Licenses the Moneys arising by Sheriffs Profers and Compositions in the Exchequer and by Seizures of uncustomed and prohibited Goods the Revenue of the Dutchy of Cornwall and any other Revenue arising by the Rents of Land in England and Wales and for Fines of Leases of the same or any of them and the Duty of Four and an Half per Centum in Specie arising in Barbadoes and the Leeward Islands in America and all other the Branches and Revenues therein mentioned which were before chargeable with the yearly Sum of Seven hundred thousand Pounds therein expressed should from time to time during the Life of His said late Majesty King William be for the Use and Service of His said late Majestys Houshold and Family and for other His necessary Expences and Occasions §24. And it is thereby further enacted That in lieu and Discharge of certain perpetual annual Payments and of all Arrears thereof granted by His late [Mity [2]] King Charles the Second by Letters Patent out of the said Hereditary Revenue of Excise in Satisfaction of certain Principal Sums mentioned in the said Letters Patent to be then due from His said late Majesty King Charles the Second to the respective Patentees therein named the said Hereditary Revenue of Excise should from and after the Twenty sixth Day of December One thousand seven hundred and five be and stand charged and chargeable for ever with the Payment of the Annual Sums after the Rate of Three Pounds per Centum per Annum for the Principal Sums mentioned in the said respective Letters Patent to be issued and paid out of the said Revenue by Quarterly Payments out of the Receipt of His Majesties Exchequer by the Offers of the same unto the respective Owners and Proprietors of such Annual Sums and to their Heirs and Assigns for ever in the manner in the said Act mentioned the said Annual Payments after the Rate of Three Pounds per Centum to be subject nevertheless to be redeemed upon Payment of the Moiety of the Principal Moneys mentioned in the said respective Letters Patent as by the several Acts afore recited (Relation being thereunto respectively had) may more fully appear Reasons for passing this Act. Now we Your Majesties most dutiful and loyal Subjects the Commons of England in Parliament assembled well knowing that the Security Peace and Prosperity of Your Majesties Realms and Dominions are concerned in supporting the Honour of the Crown of England by settling a Revenue suitable to the necessary

Expences of the same And with due Gratitude to Almighty God (by whose Goodness your Majesty ([3]) succeeds
  1. brewed or made
  2. interlined on the Roll.
  3. happily in King's Printers' Copy.