Page:The Temple of Fame - Pope (1715).pdf/14

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The Temple of Fame.

As balmy Sleep had charm'd my Cares to Rest,
And Love it self was banish'd from my Breast,
(What Time the Morn mysterious Visions brings,
While purer Slumber spread their golden Wings)
A Train of Phantoms in wild Order rose,
And, join'd, this Intellectual Scene compose.

I stood, methought, betwixt Earth, Seas, and Skies;
The whole Creation open to my Eyes:
In Air self-balanc'd hung the Globe below,
Where Mountains rise, and circling Oceans flow;
Here naked Rocks and empty Wastes were seen,
There tow'ry Cities, and the Forests green:
Here sailing Ships delight the wand'ring Eyes;
There Trees, and intermingl'd Temples rise:
