Page:The Temple of Fame - Pope (1715).pdf/15

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The Temple of Fame.

Now a clear Sun the shining Scene displays,
The transient Landscape now in Clouds decays.
O'er the wide Prospect as I gaz'd around,
Sudden I heard a wild promiscuous Sound,
Like broken Thunders that at distance roar,
Or Billows murm'ring on the hollow Shoar:
Then gazing up, a glorious Pile beheld,
Whose tow'ring Summit ambient Clouds conceal'd.
High on a Rock of Ice the Structure lay,
Steep its Ascent, and slipp'ry was the Way;
The wond'rous Rock like Parian Marble shone,
And seem'd to distant Sight of solid Stone.
Inscriptions here of various Names I view'd,
The greater Part by hostile Time subdu'd;
Yet wide was spread their Fame in Ages past,
And Poets once had promis'd they should last.
