Page:The Temple of Fame - Pope (1715).pdf/18

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The Temple of Fame.

Four Faces had the Dome, and ev'ry Face
Of various Structure, but of equal Grace:
Four brazen Gates, on Columns lifted high,
Salute the diff'rent Quarters of the Sky.
Here fabled Chiefs in darker Ages born,
Or Worthies old, whom Arms or Arts adorn,
Who Cities rais'd, or tam'd a monstrous Race;
The fourfold Walls in breathing Statues grace:
Heroes in animated Marble frown,
And Legislators seem to think in Stone.

Westward, a sumptuous Frontispiece appear'd,
On Dorick Pillars of white Marble rear'd,
Crown'd with an Architrave of antique Mold,
And Sculpture rising on the roughen'd Gold.
