Page:The Temple of Fame - Pope (1715).pdf/19

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The Temple of Fame.

In shaggy Spoils here Theseus was beheld,
And Perseus dreadful with Minerva's Shield:
There great Alcides stooping with his Toil,
Rests on his Club, and holds th' Hesperian Spoil.
Here Orpheus sings; Trees moving to the Sound
Start from their Roots, and form a Shade around:
Amphion there the loud creating Lyre
Strikes, and beholds a sudden Thebes aspire;
Cythæron's Ecchoes answer'd to his Call,
And half the Mountain roll'd into a Wall:
There might you see the length'ning Spires ascend,
The Domes swell up, the widening Arches bend,
The growing Tow'rs like Exhalations rise,
And the huge Columns heave into the Skies.
