Page:The Temple of Fame - Pope (1715).pdf/54

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Pag. 14. ver. 4. And the great Founder of the Persian Name.

Cyrus was the Beginner of the Persian, as Nihus was of the Assyrian Monarchy. The Magi and Chaldeans (the chief of whom was Zoroaster) employ'd their Studies upon Magick and Astrology, which was in a manner almost all the Learning of the antient Asian People. We have scarce any Account of a moral Philosopher except Confucius, the great Lawgiver of the Chinese, who liv'd about two thousand Years ago.

Pag. 15. ver. 2. Egypt's Priests, &c.

The Learning of the old Egyptian Priests consisted for the most part in Geometry and Astronomy: They also preserv'd the History of their Nation. Their greatest Hero upon Record is Sesostris, whose Actions and Conquests may be seen at large in Diodorus, &c. He is said to have caus'd the Kings he vanquish'd to draw him in his Chariot. The Posture of his Statue, in these Verses, is correspondent to the Description which Herodotus gives of one of this Prince's Statues remaining in his own time.

Pag. 15. ver. 11. Of Gothick Structure was the Northern Side.

The Architecture is agreeable to that part of the World. The Learning of the Northern Nations lay more obscure than that of the rest. Zamolxis
