Page:The Temple of Fame - Pope (1715).pdf/55

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was the Disciple of Pythagoras, who taught the Immortality of the Soul to the Scythians. Odin, or Woden, was the great Legislator and Hero of the Goths. They tell us of him that being subject to Fits, he persuaded his Followers, that during those Trances he receiv'd Inspirations from whence he dictated his Laws. He is said to have been the Inventor of the Runic Characters.

Pag. 16. ver. 5. Druids and Bards, &c.

These were the Priests and Poets of those People, so celebrated for their savage Virtue. Those heroick Barbarians accounted it a Dishonour to die in their Beds, and rush'd on to certain Death in the Prospect of an After-Life, and for the Glory of a Song from their Bards in Praise of their Actions.

Pag. 17. ver. ult. The Youth that all things but himself subdu'd.

Alexander the Great: The Tiara was the Crown peculiar to the Asian Princes: His Desire to be thought the Son of Jupiter Ammon caus'd him to wear the Horns of that God, and to represent the same upon his Coins, which was continu'd by several of his Successors.

Pag. 18. ver. 10. Timoleon glorious in his Brother's Blood.

Timoleon had sav'd the Life of his Brother Timophanes in the Battel between the Argives
