at the disposal of patrons who carry their own provisions.
Some roads charge an additional fare for the super-refinements of the trains which speed one from Chicago or New Orleans to San Francisco in thrice twenty-four hours. But most of them give maximum service at the ordinary rate.
Limited trains sometimes run only in the winter, or on stated days of the week. Compartment, drawing-room and sleeping-car fares, and meals in dining-cars or at stations are of course extra. Tourist sleeping-car berths cost about half as much as those in standard Pullmans. The standard rate is $18.00 for a double lower berth from New York, $13.00 from Chicago, $11.50 from New Orleans.
The regular minimum first-class fare from New York to Pacific Coast cities approximates $75.00; this price is affected by the stop-overs permitted, the route travelled, and the duration of the ticket's validity.
Steamer Connection to California.
The Southern Pacific Company offers a through schedule from New York to the Pacific Coast via its modern steamers, which leave Pier 48, North River, New York, twice a week for an agreeable five-day voyage to New Orleans, and thence via the Sunset Route to California. Meals and