berth are included in the steamer rate; the through fare by water and land is the same as the minimum all-rail first-class fare irom New York to the Coast. The steamers have also second- and third-class accommodation. Passengers may book first-class on the steamer and second-class (Tourist sleepers) on the railroad, New Orleans California.
The above conditions apply to the Mallory Line service from Pier 45, North River, New York—Key West Tampa—Mobile—Galveston. Both the Southern Pacific and the Santa Fé run into Galveston.
The United Fruit Company has bi-weekly sailings from New York to Colon at the Caribbean end of the Panama Canal. From there the Panama Railroad crosses the Isthmus to Panama. At Panama (Balboa) there is bi-monthly connection with the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, whose destination is San Francisco. The United Fruit Company also has sailings from New Orleans to Colon. The New York offices of the company are at 17, Battery Place.
The Panama Railroad Steamship Line (Pier 67, North River, New York) has a direct service every six days, New York—Colon. At the latter port passengers are transferred to the Isthmus railroad, and at Panama (Balboa) to the Pacific Mail for San Francisco.