Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/24

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Body; that, however, since such was the Case, and the Vigour of his Constitution was not to be repressed by Words or Blows, Nature must e'en take its Course; and, as for the vicious Example you are pleased to insinuate, I hope I am no worse than my Neighbours. I must tell you, Master Carpenter, replied the Ecclesiastic a little moved, that you are in the Wrong, ay, and very much so, to offer to extenuate your Son's Enormities, chiefly, as they are an Offence to the God of the Holiness, and, as such, may plunge the Youth into Misery inexpressible, and without End; but also, which is not beneath Consideration, they reflect a Dishonour on you, as his Parent, his Guide, and Instructor; and on me, who, too easy inferring the Goodness of his Morals from his ingenuous
