Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/25

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Countenance and decent Carriage, recommended him in Terms, as if he was not to be over-praised. The Father, perceiving the Canon to grow warm upon the Matter, put a Stop to his Expostulation, saying, with a Smile, Reverence Sir, certainly you have few Equals in Christian Zeal, but I must undeceive you, and ask Pardon for not doing it before: This same Child of mine, whose Irregularities have made such a Noise, is no Male, but as truly, in all Respects, a Female, as the Woman who bore her; he then proceeded to relate the Occasion of her leaving her Home, and rambling in a Man's Habit. The good Canon was amazed at such frantic Doings, and courteously dismissed the Carpenter; however, judging that the Governor's Letter was in a Stile too lofty and a-
