Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/29

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any Advances to her Bedfellow, though he were an Adonis. It is now about two Years ago, that, attending upon the Podesta and his Son Antony, Lord of Santo Stephano at Florence, during their whole Stay there, which was near two Months, Giovanni was obliged to take Part in the same Bed, with the two other Servants, wanton young Fellows, whom they had taken along with them in that Journey, and without any Discovery to her Prejudice; at which Time, being upon a Visit to a Kinsman, during our Vacation, I happened to put up at the very same Inn; and, one of their Servants having been sent away Express, my Servant, apprehending that he might disturb me, by coming into the Chamber, where I had, some Hours before, retired to sleep, betook himself to supply the Place of

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