Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/28

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( 18 )

Librafratta, took her thither, and often in his little Jaunts to Monte Pulciano, Florence, and other Places; tho' he mostly kept him in full Employment at Librafratta, to put a Stop to some Broils which were beginning to break out at his Seat at Monte Pulciano, on Occasion of Giovanni's amorous Pursuits, for they were not in any wise abated; whether Nature were actually uncontrolable, or Gratitude had not its proper Weight, or she was hardened against Pain, Infamy, or any other Consequence. She some Time after, at that Place, was brought into a dangerous Plunge by her intriguing Effrontery. In all her several Journies with her Master, she never made the least Difficulty to lie in the same Bed with othere Men, upon a Case of Necessity; but also forbore making
