Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/31

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was committed to Giovanni, who, amidst all her Licentiousness, was never known, in the least, to have offended, in Point of Vigilance and Honesty: Among other Charmers, he had the Presumption to offer his Addresses to a very lovely young Gentlewoman, Niece to the Minister of the Village; and prosecuted them with such Ardour and Success, that they both grew passionately in Love with each other. The Uncle, knowing the Temptation of Beauty, and the Lubricity of Youth, kept a strict Guard over his Niece, till an advantageous Match, which was in Agitation, should be concluded; but Giovanni's Person and Blandishments preponderated against all other Consideration; and, after eluding the Uncle's Attention, in several Midnight Interviews, Giovanni, proposed to the
