Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/32

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young Lady to carry her off at an appointed Time, and that afterwards they should make for Rome; where, by Means of an honest Priest of his Acquaintance, their Passion should be confirmed and sanctified by the Offices of the Church: This Overture was not only agreed to, but applauded as the greatest Mark both of his Love and Virtue. To carry this Scheme into Execution, Giovanni had provided two Horses, on which they were to set out very early one Morning about the Middle of June, in the Year One Thousand, Seven Hundred, and Forty Three. The Evening before this important Expedition, Giovanni's Mistress, her Discretion not being equal to her Beauty, took her younger Sister a-part, and told her, that her Uncle's rigid Humours had now worn out her Pa-
