Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/42

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Colomba, Purveyor to the Nuns of the Order of the immaculate Conception of the ever Blessed Virgin at Sienna. Accordingly Giovanni arrived at the Hospital della Scala on the Sixteenth of June, One Thousand, Seven Hundred, and Forty-three, and was laid in the seventieth Bed, being entered in the Register of the Patients, from his own Mouth, by the Name of Giovanni, Son of Francisco Bordoni, Freeman of Rome, and aged Twenty-four Years. Here I must observe with Pleasure, as an Instance of the Candour and Humanity of my Countrymen, that, of all to whom the unfortunate Giovanni sent the recommendatory Letters, not one failed to come, or send, with the most liberal Offers of Assistance; among the rest, Maria Colomba shewed a most vivid Spirit of Christianism, by
