Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/43

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( 33 )

which she adds a Lustre to her religious Employment. My Servant, Giambattista Giustianiani, hearing of such a Patient, was led, by Curiosity, to go and have a Sight of him, imagining he might know him, being of the same Class.

It is no Wonder that he called Giovanni to Mind, upon Sight, having been quartered in the same Inn for above forty Days, and Bed-fellows the greatest Part of that Time. Upon my coming Home in the Evening, Giambattista informed me that Giovanni, the Podesta Pucci's roguish Servant, lay ill in the Hospital of a Wound, and desired, above all things, that I would be so good as to come and see him; which I promised with an Intention of performing, but, as he
