Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/48

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( 38 )

to me very early on the Morning of the twenty-eighth of June, and told me with a Blush, that a Patient was dead, in the Hospital, of a Wound in the Thigh by a Musket-Ball, who, upon the Denudation of her Body, proved to be a Woman, with a fine sound Hymen, and other Tokens of an untouched Virginity; and that, if I would take the Trouble, my own Eyes would verify his Account. Such a Phænomenon incited my Curiosity, so that I set out with him; but finding the Body of the deceased laid out in her proper Habit, with the Virginal Garland on her Head, and Flowers strewed all over her Cloaths, I deferred examining her till the Afternoon, when the Officers of Justice were to sit upon her, according to the established Custom, when any one dies
