Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/49

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of Wounds in the Hospital. Accordingly, taking along with me James Berti, my Dissector, and Giambattista Giustianiani, my Servant, we severally certified to the Town-Clerk, that we had seen her daily, for six Weeks successively, in a Man's Dress at Florence; but, proceeding to an Examination of her Body, it appeared that some of the younger Mates had made an Incision in her Belly, which they had sewed up again, and this to discover, forsooth, if she was not pregnant. As they had not meddled with the Pudendum Muliebre, nor the Vagina of the Uterus, the Entireness of the Hymen incontestably proved her being actually a Virgin. Upon inspecting the Wound, I found it to be, as before-mentioned, about a Hand's Breadth above the Knee, and that
