Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/50

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the Musket-Ball had neither perforated nor fractured the Thigh Bone, but only made a square Hole in it, with a Fissure of its whole Length. The Body, being again cloathed in her funeral Vestment, was carried to the Church, where it was laid out, in Order to its Interment; which being turbulently opposed by the Multitudes, which flocked, from all Parts of the City, to get a Sight of her, the Corpse was brought back, though chiefly in Deference to some Religious, who would have her to be nothing less than a Saint, having preserved her Chastity inviolate, amidst the strongest Temptations; some of these also asserting, that she might be the Daughter of a Venetian Nobleman; and, accordingly, an epistolary Account of her, dated at Sienna, the
