Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/52

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( 42 )

But the Condition of this pretended young Man, and the Occasion of her Disguise, (both which were cleared up soon after, by Accounts from Rome) being at that Time unknown, it was the more advisable to comply with the People's Ferment.

About Nine o'Clock the next Morning, I went again to the Hospital, and caused an Incision to be made in the Body, and the Parts of Generation to be dissevered with the nicest Exactness, which were carried to my House to be thoroughly examined by a regular Dissection. I found, as has been before said, the Hymen to be entire, and of a circular Figure, like the Valves of the Intestines, or those Rings, called Dia-