Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/53

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phragms, placed within Telescopes to reverberate the Rays of Light. This Hymen, with the approximate Parts, I have reposited among those which I found in many Virgins of different Age at Sienna. As for those which I dissected at Arimino, I left them behind; for that the Hymen is no Fancy, but actually found in all Virgin Females, is not controverted among experienced Anatomists; yet, as there are not wanting in some at Sienna, who sneer at such a Thing, let them only take a View of my Collection of these Membranes; and, if they will not stand out against ocular Evidence, they must own the Reality thereof. The Clitoris of this young Woman was not pendulous, nor of any extraordinary Size, as the Account from Rome made it, and as is said, to be that

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