Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/57

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( 47 )

their Number ever so great) from whom he borrowed his Notion of those Tubes being in Men, and who should have known better, than from some particular Analogies to draw a general Inference; the Analogy fails in numberless Particulars, as, would not he be laughed at as a Smatterer in Anatomy, a mere Sciolist, who should argue that the Biliary Duct of the Cisti in Men is not tortuous, because in Animals it is direct?

In fine, as I see no extraordinary Title, Application excepted, the Name of Winslow has to the high Authority in which it stands, I confront against it that of Ruisch, who by all the learned World is allowed to have penetrated into the most hidden Secrets of Anatomy; that of
