Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/58

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( 48 )

Heister, and that of Signor Morgagni, who are all absolutely against him in this Point; to which I presume to add my own Experience, having a thousand Times, and with the most circumspect Attention, in vain sought for those Tubes in human Subjects; after all Disputes in Anatomy, experimental Philosophy, and other practical Sciences, are not to be decided by Words and Names, but by Facts and ocular Demonstration.

The Breast of this young Woman was also laid open, her Death being attributed more immediately to the Fever, and Congeries of Humours on her Breast, than to any other Cause; and, indeed, a large Quantity of yellowish Pus was lodged in the left Cavity of her Breast; there was
