Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/59

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( 49 )

also a purulent Matter in the Right, but a great deal less in Quantity, and of a sanguine Colour. Her Lungs, on both Sides, were black, that being the usual Colour of the Intrails of such, who die of an Inflammation common to a Gangrene, or a Sphacelus.

At the same Time, I had a Desire of seeing the poor Lad, who, as is before related, had been a Fellow-Sufferer with this unhappy Creature; when, finding the Tibia and Fibula were fractured into very small Shivers a little above the Ancle, I gave him over for dead; which proved his Fate, within a few Weeks, by the Increase of the Sanies of the Wound, as I was informed at Florence, where an Affair had called me. I will not af-
