Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/74

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about for the worst Purposes, as well as Prints and Pictures calculated to inflame the Passions, to banish all Sense of Shame, and to make the World, if possible, more corrupt and profligate than it is already. We are very certain that all Things of this Sort must have a very bad Tendency; but surely it would lay some Kind of Restraint, even upon those who are most forward in these Things, if they considered, that they know not what might be the Consequences, and that they may become inconsiderately the Instruments of much greater Wickedness than they design.

We may add to all this, that from hence may be borrowed a very just Reason for punishing more severely, or at least not making so light of a Practice not altogether uncommon,
