Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/75

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which is that of Women appearing in public Places in Men's Cloaths; a Thing that manifests an extreme Assurance, and which may have many ill Consequences, and those too of very different Kinds. This, by the Mosaic Law, is considered as a capital Offence, which deserves so much the more Reflection, as it will be found, upon a strict Enquiry, that most of the Laws in that Code, are founded upon the most perfect Knowledge of human Nature. It is also looked upon as a great Crime by our Law, as well for political as moral Reasons; and therefore it is very strange, that, merely to indulge an idle Whim, or a foolish Humour, the best, or at least the most innocent Reasons that can be suggested for it, this should be looked on with an Eye of Indifference, and rather as a Species of Levity than of Guilt.
