Page:The Vampire.djvu/389

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  • Lenore, 275–7
  • Leo IX, S., 105, 114
  • Leo X, 85
  • Leontius of Cyprus, 49
  • Leopold (and Loeb), 70
  • Lettres Juives, 229
  • Lewis, Matthew Gregory, 277
  • Lexicon (of Photius), 257
  • Leza (god of Bantu tribe), 10
  • Liddell, Hon. Henry, 329
  • Liebava (vampire at), 172–3
  • Lilith, 226–9
  • Lindpaintner, P. von, 312
  • Lombard Code, 228
  • Londe, Dr. Charles, 47
  • Loogaroo, 265–7
  • Lorenzo Guistiniani, S., 128
  • Louviers (witchcraft at), 80
  • Loves of Paris, The, 303
  • Lucas, Paul, 205
  • Lusitanus, Dr. Zacutus, 46
  • Lutgarde, S., 130
  • Lycanthropia, 166–7
  • Macarius, S., 50–1
  • Macedonia, 20
  • Macedonian Folklore, 33, 206–7
  • MacGregor, Major C. G. (and ghosts), 3
  • Machen, Arthur, 77
  • Macrobius, 155
  • Macuilxochitl, 260
  • Mahomet II, 141
  • Maidstone (witches hanged at), 81
  • Maina (local tradition in), 140–1
  • Malay Magic (Skeat), 255
  • Malleus Maleficarum, 25, 32, 165, 174, 180, 202, 229
  • Mammone, Gaetano, 64
  • Mandeville, Sir John, 203
  • Mandrakes, 155–6
  • Manetho, 182
  • Maniac Father, The, 332
  • Manriquez, Don Alphonso, 208
  • Maraves, African tribe, 148
  • Marcellus, Sidetes, 166
  • Marguerite Van Valkenissen, 130
  • Maria Maddalena de’ Pazzi, S., 56, 125, 130
  • Marlowe, Christopher, 246
  • Masticatione Mortuorum, De, 23
  • Masticatione Mortuorum, De (Ranft), 201
  • Mathia de’ Nazzarei, B., 130
  • Maturin, Charles Robert, 277
  • Mauriceau, Dr., 58
  • Maxwell, James Clerk, 328–9
  • Maxwell, Sir William, 254
  • Mayo, Dr. Herbert, 175–9
  • Meeke, Mrs., 278
  • Meifsner, Christian Karl, 290
  • Melanesians, The, 258
  • Melchior of Zwettl, Abbot, 112
  • Melor, S., 52
  • Ménard, Nicholas-Hugues, 105
  • Mendieta, Fray, 264
  • Menology (Symeon Metaphrastes), 49
  • Metaphrastes, Symeon, 49
  • Michael Caerularius, 105
  • Michan’s Church, S. (Dublin), 117–8
  • Miotecaciuatl, 263
  • Mietlampa, 263
  • Middleton, Charles, 277
  • Middleton, Jessie Adelaide, 12
  • Midland Daily Telegraph, 47
  • Midnight Groan, The, 278
  • Minski, 60
  • Miracles in causes for canonization, 120
  • Miss Kitty (parody), 276
  • Mist (vampire as a ), 198
  • Mitylene, 208
  • Moabites, 17
  • Modern Spiritism (Raupert), 175
  • Moderne Vampyr, 320
  • Moderner Vampyr, Ein, 320
  • Montague, Edward, 278
  • Monte-Cristo, 296–7
  • More, Dr. Henry, 115–6, 180
  • Moreau, Dr. Oaul, 68, 70
  • Morgano, 312
  • Mormo, 20
  • Morte, Amoureuse, La, 320–1
  • Morley, Henry, 312–4
  • Mort réelle et la Mort apparente, La (Icard), 46
  • Mourning practises (laws to regulate), 16
  • Mühlau, 231
  • Muret, Marc-Antoine, 36
  • Mussimo, Fabrizio (raised to life), 53–4
  • Mysteries of London, The (G. W. M. Reynolds), 58
  • Narni (apparitions before), 114–5
  • Naxos, (local custom in), 105
  • Necromancer, The, 331
  • Necrophagy, 60–6
  • Necrophilia, 66–71
  • Nergal, 217
  • New Guinea (blood feared in), 13
  • Newstead, 160
  • Newton (Travels in Levant), 208
  • Nicholas V, 127
  • Nicolas of Myra, S., 130
  • Nicolas of Tolentino, O.S.A., S., 126, 128
  • Nimbus in art, 121
  • Nordier, Charles, 290–1, 294
  • Notes on the Folk-lore of the Northern Counties of England, 257
  • Nott, Dr. John, 187