Page:The Vampire.djvu/390

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  • Nouveaux voyages aux Isles d’ Amérique, 267
  • Nyakang (deified hero), 9
  • Obeah, 265–7
  • Ocean of Story, 249–50
  • Odolric of Conques, 107
  • Odyssey, 15
  • Oedipus, the saga of, 158–60
  • Oliphant, Laurence, 134
  • Oraons (tribe of Bengal), 169
  • Orestes (and blood-guilt), 141
  • Ortiz, Diego, 123
  • Ossenfelder, Heinrich August, 274
  • Oswald, Dr. John, 47
  • Othmar, S., 104
  • Otia Imperialia, 227
  • Ovambo tribe, 11–2
  • Ovid, 186, 228
  • Owl, regarded as sacred, 182
  • Paladino, Eusapia, 194–5
  • Palmer, Mr. Clapham, 6
  • Pantaleone, S. (Relics of blood of), 127
  • Parasite, The, 323–4
  • Paré, Ambroise, 117
  • Parsons, Mrs. Eliza, 278
  • Pascal Babylon, S., 132
  • Pashley, Robert, 19
  • Passerat, 247
  • Patrick, S., 52
  • Patroclus (demands funeral rites), 81–2
  • Paul, Arnold, 280, 282
  • Pausanias, 83, 198
  • Pawang (Malay wizard), 252
  • Pelesit, 251
  • Penanggalan, 251, 255–6
  • Penzer, Mr. N. M., 249–50
  • Percy, George (Deputy Governor of Virginia), 62
  • Peregrinus, 153
  • Perfumed Garden, The, 187
  • Periander of Corinth, 67
  • Petroff, 152
  • Peter I., S., (the Vladika), 129
  • Phaedo, 142
  • Phantom, The, 314–8
  • Philinnion and Machates, 229
  • Philip Neri, S., 53–4, 132
  • Philippe, Mons., 291, 293, 294
  • Philistines, 17
  • Phlegon of Tralles, 229, 274
  • Phœnicians, 17
  • Pichot, Amédée, 290
  • Pierart, Z. T., 195
  • Pilgrimages to Palestine, 115
  • Pittadro, Lady (witch), 80
  • Pius VI, 85
  • Planché, J. R., 306–8, 311–2
  • Plato, 20, 142
  • Plautus, 185
  • Pliny senior, 37–8, 198
  • Plumröder, 133
  • Polichinel Vampire, 305
  • Polidori, Dr. John William, 280–90
  • Polong, 251
  • Pontianak, 251, 253
  • Present State of Greek and Armenian Churches, 1678, 23
  • Prest, Thomas Preskett, 61, 332
  • Preta, 249
  • Prodigies seen in the air, 116
  • Propertius, 247
  • Psellus, Michael, 229
  • Pseudolus, 185
  • Physical Research, Proceeding of National Laboratory of, 5–6
  • Purgstall, Countess, 275
  • Purple Terror, The, 322–3
  • Putanisme d’Amsterdam, le, 257
  • Pye, H. J., 276
  • Quashee (West Indian native), 265–7
  • Rachel, Mlle., 39–40
  • Ranft, Michael, 201
  • Ralston, W. R. S., 19, 206
  • Rattray, Mr. R. Sunderland, 259
  • Raupert, T. Godfrey, 175
  • Ravachol, 58
  • Ravello of Ferrara, S., 122
  • Real Ghost Stories (W. T. Stead), 3
  • Red hair (regarded as sign of vampirism), 182–3
  • Redi, Francesco, 183
  • Rees, Mrs. (of Cardiff), 47
  • Regnault, Jean, 58
  • Rélation de ce qui est passé a Sant-Erini, 22
  • Relics, potent against vampires, 208
  • Religious System of China (de Groot), 238
  • Renaud, Pierre, 58
  • Researches in the Highlands of Turkey (Tozer), 205
  • Reste arabische Heiderstums (Wellhausen), 231
  • Resurrection Men, 58–59
  • Revue d’Assyriologie, 228
  • Reynolds, G. W. M., 331
  • Rheticus, S., 51
  • Rhodes (vampire exorcized in), 207
  • Ricaut, Paul, 23, 93
  • Richard, S. J., Father François, 22, 32
  • Richard of Saint-Vannes, 115
  • Rings, magic properties ascribed to, 223
  • Rita of Cascia, O.S.A., S., 128
  • Rochtaillée, Mlle. de, 58
  • Roche, Mrs. Regina Maria, 278
  • Rohl, John Christopher, 23