Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/389

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76Relaciones to gov. Zacat., Aug. 11. 76Olaguíbel, Aug. 11. 76Decree, Aug. 8.

13. April 30 Marcy had promised that by the end of June, Scott should have about 20,000 men (Ho. 60; 30, 1, p. 922). Scott felt he needed that number in addition to the garrison of Puebla (Sedgwick, Corres., i, 141). He has been criticised for having his small army march in four divisions a day apart. Twiggs and Quitman together had only about 4000 men and it has been represented that, even had they and the cavalry combined, Santa Anna could have crushed them before Worth could have reached the scene (Semmes, Service, 326); but, as a day's march was only 12-15 miles (Hardcastle in Sen. 19; 30, 2, p. 10), Worth was but five hours (in case of emergency much less) behind Quitman, and an attack strong enough to crush Harney, Twiggs and Quitman, provided as they were with heavy ordnance, could not have taken place in a moment nor without warning. Scott expected to be attacked on the march (Scott, Mems., ii, 466). He might have avoided the high mountains by taking the route via Tlaxcala and Apam; but this route was long and unsuitable for his trains. There were nearly 1000 wagons (335Trist to Buchanan, Aug. 22).

14. These works were abandoned because not in keeping with Santa Anna's plan. Very likely the fact that it would not have been easy to subsist a large force here counted also. Many of the Americans believed Santa Anna had built the works in the expectation of using them to cut Scott off after defeating him in the Valley, and set their teeth the harder. All felt that they must conquer or die.

15. Scott's march to Ayotla. Scott, Mems., ii, 465-7. Hitchcock, Fifty Years, 266, 271. Grant, Mems., i, 164-5. Ballentine, Eng. Soldier, ii, 190-3. Davis, Autobiog., 192. Missouri Republican, Nov. 3, 1857 (Hitchcock). 217Henshaw papers. 218Henshaw narrative. Haynes, Gen. Scott's Guide. 183Drum, recolls. 376Nicholson, recolls. Donnavan, Adventures, 98. 159Collins papers. (Route) Lyon, Journal, ii, 106; Thompson, Recolls., 33; Velasco, Geografía, 1,25; Cardona, Méx. y sus Capitales, 129; Robertson, Visit, i, 321; Ruxton, Adventures (1847), 33-4; Tudor, Tour, ii, 211; LeClercq, Voyage, 178-9; Mason, Pictures, ii, 6; Bullock, Across Mex., 67-8. Lawton, Artillery Officer, 274, 281-7. 65Gen. orders 246, Aug. 5. 291Pierce papers. Sen. 11; 31, 1 (map). Sen. 19; 30, 2 (M. L. Smith, E. L. F. Hardcastle). G. W. Smith, Co. A. Carleton, Address. 178Davis, diary. Sen. 52; 30, 1, pp. 124 (Scott); 186-8. Sen. 1; 30, 1, pp. 303 (Scott). app., 37. Kenly, Md. Vol., 344. Rosa, Impresiones Nebel and Kendall, 27. Brackett, Lane's Brigade, 280-1. Colección de Itinerarios. Oswandel, Notes, 242, 245. Semmes, Service, 235, 286-9, 325-8, 452-3. 73Bermúdez de Castro, nos. 534, res., July 28; 550, Aug. 21. 73Lozano, no. 2, Aug. 24. 335Trist, statement, July 25, 1849. 236Judah, diary. Diario, July 2. Sedgwick, Corres., i, 108, 141. Smith, To Mexico, 188-93. Wilson, Mexico, 168. Niles, Oct. 30, p. 188. Sen. 1; 30, 1, app., 37. Ho. 60; 30, 1, p. 1032 (Scott). 132Atocha to Buchanan, Aug. 1. Ripley, War with Mexico, ii, 187. Michigan Pioneer Soc. Colls., vii (Toll). So. Qtrly. Rev., Apr., 1852, pp. 406-7. 316Judd to Sherman, Feb. 26, 1848. Ramírez, México, 239. Monitor Repub., Oct. 1 (Gamboa). Manifiesto que dirige. . . Alvarez.

16. S. Anna, Apelación, 44; app., 146-50, 157-61. Sen. 52; 30, 1, pp. 186-7. 73Bermúdez de Castro, no. 534, res., July 28. Monitor Repub., Dec. 12 (S. Anna, Nov. 19). And from 76 the following. To Canalizo,