Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/390

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June 30. To Alvarez, June 29, 30; July 13, 28; Aug. 6, 9, 12, 14, 21. To Valencia, Aug. 9, 11, 18, 14, 15. Canalizo, June 23; July 19; Aug. 9, 10,11. Alvarez, July 5,8; Aug. 6, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 12,25. Valencia, Aug. 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14. Expediente against Valencia. Acuerdo, Aug. 13.

17. The choice of approaches. Hitchcock, Fifty Years, 272-4. Grant, Mems., 164-5. Mo. Republican, Nov. 3, 1857 (Hitchcock). Weekly Courier and N. Y. Enquirer, Mar. 2, 1848 (letter from Hitchcock). 217Henshaw to wife, Aug. 21. Haynes, Gen. Scott's Guide. 61Hamilton to Scott, Oct. 17, 1850. 66R. E. Lee, I. I. Stevens, J. L. Mason to J. L. Smith, Aug. 12, 26. Chase, Polk Admin., 225. Claiborne, Quitman, i, 333-7. 221Hill, diary. 159Collins papers. Lawton, Artill. Officer, 289. Sen. 11; 31, 1 (M. L. Smith). Sen. 19; 30, 2 (M. L. Smith, E. L. F. Hardcastle). 178Davis, diary. 136Butterfield, recolls. S. Anna, Detall, 11. 52Trist nos. 11, 12, Aug. 14, 22. 185Letters from Worth, Duncan and others. 335H. L. Scott to Worth, Aug. 13. Picayune, Oct. 8. Nebel and Kendall, 27. Sen. 1; 30, 1, pp. 303, app., 27. Apuntes, 208, 225. Semmes, Service, 348-52, 355-8. Ramírez, México, 293. Sen. 65; 30, 1, pp. 461-2 (Lee); 522-7 (Hitchcock). 68Charges against Duncan (Scott). 236Judah, diary. Wash. Union, Nov. 3. Nat. Intelligencer, Nov. 12. Diario, Aug. 18. 377Capt. Willing (paper published by Engineer School, Washington). Stevens, I. I. Stevens, i, 148-9, 190. So. Qtrly. Rev., Apr., 1852, p. 412. 76Order to Lombardini, June 19. 76To Mora, July 2. 76Acuerdos, Aug. 5, 8. 76Mora, Aug. 2. 76Gugerson to Alvarez, Aug. 10. 76(Spies) Alvarez, Aug. 12; Valencia, Aug. 13, 14; Becerril, Aug. 13; spy, Aug. 12; etc. 76Bravo, Aug. 13. 76To Bravo, Aug. 13.

The Mexicaltzingo plan was said to be, that while the rest of the troops should force their way between Lakes Chalco and Xochimilco by a broken causeway commanded by five batteries on a hill, Worth should pass round or across the latter lake and coöperate with them wherever he could do so to the best advantage (Davis, Autobiog., 193; etc.). Under orders from Scott (Hitchcock in Mo. Republican, Nov. 3, 1857; 377paper; 335H. L. Scott to Worth, Aug. 13; 68charges against Duncan) to examine the Chaleo route, Worth (at Duncan's suggestion) had Duncan, supported by strong detachments, reconnoitre that route on August 14 under the pretence of obtaining provisions. Duncan, who reported (305Aug. 14) favorably, was sent to Scott late that day to give an account of the reconnaissanee and deliver a 305letter from Worth, which argued against dividing the army. Not receiving credit in Scott's report Duncan published (Picayune, Oct. 8; Dec. 18) a letter claiming in effect to have caused the change of plan (chap. xxix, p. 187). But the letter proved that he knew less about the matter than he supposed (68charges); it did not: prove that the change of orders resulted from his report; and there is no proof that Scott intended to divide the army — though he collected boats enough for about 2000 men with a view to crossing or to making the Mexicans believe (Claiborne, Quitman, i, 335) he intended to cross the lake and it was thought that as many more could be obtained — or definitely decided to attack Mexicaltzingo. On the other hand Scott stated (68 charges) that he was himself investigating (305Mackall to ——, May 10, 1848) the Chalco route while Duncan was doing so, and that a spy sent from headquarters reported favorably upon it (68charges); and he denied squarely that he gave up the Mexicaltzingo for the Chalco route in conse-