Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/478

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drill of the troops was kept up, and of course it was only when off duty that they could be disorderly. Doyle reported that a gentleman from Pachuca, a place at some distance from Mexico, said: "Nothing can be better than the behavior of the American troops at Pachuca" (no. 5, 1848). On the other hand Lane's men were guilty of excesses at Tulancingo. In 65gen. orders 395, December 31, 1847, Scott said: "Men free at home, must: maintain the honor of freeman when abroad. If they forget that, they will degrade themselves to the level of felons and slaves, and may be rightfully condemned and treated as such; for felons, according to the laws of God and man, are slaves"? (Ho. 60; 30, 1, p. 1066).

40. Quitman strictly forbade (Sept. 21) "any interference with or mutiliation of the books, papers, or records contained within the Palace."

41. Matamoros, Monterey, Tampico, Jalapa and Puebla had an American newspaper; Vera Cruz and Mexico two.

42. In consequence of the incapacity of our medical men and particularly their ignorance of the effects of the climate, diseases not considered dangerous by residents often proved fatal to the American soldiers (13Thornton, no. 5, 1847).

43. The Mexico district. Davis, Autobiog., 246, 258, 261-2, 277. Henshaw narrative. Donnavan, Adventures, 93, 97. Instrucciones Otorgadas. Wise, Gringos, 260. Lawton, Artillery Officer, 314-5, 321. Jameson, Calhoun Corresp., 1163-5. Quitman, orders, Oct. 6, 1847, in Papeles Varios. Journ. Milit. Serv. Instit., xv, 627. McSherry, Puchero, 163. Vedette, ii, no. 10 (Brooks). Norton, Life, 172. 321Smith, diary. 358Williams to father, Dec. 27, 1847; Feb. 22, 1848. 152Claiborne, mems. Oswandel, Notes, 431, 433, 455, 525, 583. 92Ayuntamiento archives. 69aArchives of Federal District. 80Archives of México state. Hitchcock, Fifty Years, 307. 80Gracida to Butler, Feb. 25, 1848. 13Doyle, nos. 1, 5, 27, 1848. Britannia, Sept. 28, 1847 (Daily News). Claiborne, Quitman, i, 395. Calderón, Life, i, 139-40. National, Nov. 14, 1847. 60N. C. to J. L. Miller, May 7, 1848. 62Jones to Bedinger, Mar. 11, 1848. Captain of Vols., Conquest, 27. 65Scott, gen. orders, Sept. 14, 16, 17, 24; Dec. 18, 31, 1847. London Times, Nov. 12, 13, 1847. Sen. 52; 30, 1, pp. 205-12. Picayune, Oct. 15; Nov. 14; Dec. 19, 29, 1847. Delta, Nov. 6, 7, 12; Dec. 19, 24, 1847. Sen. 1; 30, 1, p. 384 (Scott). Kenly, Md. Vol., 413. México á través, iv, 703-4. 65Scott, gen. orders 190, 355. Rodrfguez, Breve Reseña, 1848, 1849, p.5. 13Bankhead, no. 86, Sept. 28, 1847. 73Lozano, no. 8, res., Sept. 17, 1847. Ramírez, México, 318. N. Y. Journ. Comm., Feb. 28, 1848. Monitor Repub., Dec. 7, 20, 1847. 277Veramendi to Quitman, Oct. 8, 1847. 366Memb. municip. council to ——, Nov. 14 and reply. (Mexican letter) Nacional, Nov. 14, 1847. Ballentine, Eng. Soldier, 1, 260-8, 270-1. Apuntes, 362-7, 369. Ho. 60; 30, 1, p. 1065. Sen. 34; 34, 3, p. 37. 132Nowell to mother, Oct. 21, 1847. Sedgwick, Corresp., i, 153. Stevens, Stevens, i, 219. 121Placards and Notices. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Mag., Mar. 6, 1908. 214Hays and Caperton, Life of Hays. London Chronicle, Nov. 12, 1847. Roa Bárcena, Recuerdos, 543. Lane (Adventures) shows that our officers were by no means all saints, but this is not a fact to occasion surprise.

Ripley (War with Mexico, ii, 571) complains that immorality was promoted at Mexico by giving licenses to gambling places; but it would not have been possible to prevent the soldiers from gambling among themselves and in "dives," and no doubt Scott believed it would be best to have the