Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/479

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gambling done where some control could be exercised over it, and where the men would not be in danger of the assassin's knife. Ripley admits that gambling "flourished" before licenses were given (p. 570). Ripley suggests (p. 574) that "active operations would have been the immediate and effectual remedy" for the immorality; but, as we have seen, there were not enough troops, etc., for active operations, and perhaps shooting Mexicans needlessly would have been no better business than gambling. Ripley admits (p. 577) that most of the troops were kept outside the city. Riley's brigade was at Tacubaya, Patterson's division at 8S. Angel, and a part of Butler's division at El Molino del Rey. The other part and Smith's brigade remained in town.

44. Probably fearing American interference or influence, the Mexican government at Querétaro discountenanced such elections (México á través, iv, 704). As the records are by no means complete, it is necessary in this and other cases to assume that like causes produced like effects, unless there is some evidence to the contrary. General conclusions could not otherwise be reached.

45. At Tampico Shields appointed three Mexican alcaldes and also (to act with these in cases between Americans and Mexicans) an American court of three American citizens.

46. Gaceta de Tamaulipas, July 16, 1846. 65Scott, gen. orders 238. Hitchcock, Fifty Years, 314-5. Davis, Autobiog., 246. 224Letter from C. to Scott, Nov. 14, 1847. Instrucciones Otorgadas. Wilhelm, Eighth Infantry, i, 299. Moreno, Cantón, 378, 380, 382. Quitman, order, Oct. 6, 1847, in Papeles Varios. Defensa de Iriarte. McSherry, El Puchero, 163. 358Williams to father, Feb. 22, 1848. V. Cruz American Eagle, May 22; Apr. 3, 1847. Ayuntamiento archives, Jalapa, Córdoba, Orizaba, Puebla, Mexico, Tampico, Saltillo. 92Quitman, proclam., Oct. 6, 1847. 366Id., poster, Sept. 16. 95Worth to Puebla ayunt., May 31, 1847; to alealde, May 17, 1847; reply; proclam., May 22, 1847; to alcalde, May 22. 303Id., orders 34. Nacional, Jan. 28, 1848. 13Doyle, No. 5, 1848. Roa Bárcena, Recuerdos, 251, 549. Diario, May 14, 1847. Ho. 60; 30, 1, p. 1047 (Scott). 65Bankhead, orders, Feb. 16, 1848. 61Hamtramck to McDowell, Jan. 20, 1848. Lawton, Artillery Officer, 17, 39, 40, 194, 208. 63Marcy to Davenport, Aug. 6; Dec. 14, 1847. Brackett, Lane's Brigade, 165. 69Gov. Jalapa to alcalde, Nov. 26; Dec. 13, 1847; Jan. 17; Mar. 15, 1848; orders 352; to ayunt., Feb. 28, 1848. 69Gates, orders 26, 35. 65Wilson, orders 116, 142, 1847. 65Twiggs, orders 11. 65Kearny, orders 172. 65Wool, orders, July 9; Dec. 14, 1847; Jan. 26, 1848. 65Butler, orders 43, 1848. 61McDowell to alcalde, Dec. 30, 1847. Sen. 52; 30, 1, p. 205 (Trist). Picayune, Jan. 2; Mar. 19; Dec. 19, 23, 1847. Republicano, June 14, 1847. Kenly, Md. Vol., 380. 61Worth to Bliss, Sept. 28, 1846. México á través, iv, 7038-4, 711. Rivera, Jalapa, iii, 900, 902; iv, 28-34. 69Worth to commrs., Nov. 23, 1846; orders 61, 1846. 69Scott to Hughes, Jan. 28, 1848. 61Shields, Jan. 19, 1847; orders, Dec. 26, 1846; Jan. 1, 2, 6, 1847. 61Worth, orders 2, Mar. 30, 1847. 76Worth to E. Gonzalez, Nov. 23, 28, 1846. 76S. Anna, Jan. 4, 1847, with docs. 76Garay, Jan. 22, 1847, and docs. 76Worth, proclam., Nov. 30, 1846. 76Morgan to Martinez, Jan. 18, 1847. 76Aldrete to Mejía, Aug. 30, 1846. For taxes, etc., see chap. xxxil. 76Mora, Feb. 18; Mar. 8, 1848. 76Many others.

47. An English soldier in our army said with reference to the better class at Tampico: they were shy of "the strange, wild-looking, hairy--