Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/480

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faced savages of the half-horse and half-alligator breed, who galloped about the streets and plazas mounted on mules and Mexican ponies, and armed with sabres, bowies, and revolvers, and in every uncouth variety of costume peculiar to the American backwoodsman"; adding that the Mexicans addressed them as "Gentlemen," but in their absence spoke of them with intense bitterness as "cursed volunteers" (Ballentine, Eng. Sold., i, 276-7).

48. The foreigners residing at Mexico generally received the American army well.

49. In a soldier's written vocabulary occurred these words: weaves (for huevos), chickketer (chiquita), sennereters (señoritas), irrancus (naranjas), onerpas (un peso), leavero (libro). There were cases in which women went long distances to give information to officers they had never seen. After the battle of Cerro Gordo ladies at Mexico wore their hair loose "à la Scott," and were rebuked by the press.

50. Social relations. Scott, Mems., ut, 580. Grant, Mems., i, 118. Meade, Letters, i, 86, 180, 185. 148Chamberlain, recolls. Bullock, Six Months (1825 ed.), 1,55-6. Flag of Freedom, i, no. 5. 257G. [Hughes] to Frank [Markoe], Dec. 13, 1847. 342Kingsbury to mother, Oct. 14, 1846. 8Anon. diary. Oswandel, Notes, 211, 433. Jamieson, Campaign, 48. Semmes, Service, 173, 205, 215, 263. Biog. de Alamán, 40. 221Hill, diary. Brackett, Lane's Brigade, 131, 136, 138. Rivera, Jalapa, ii, 912. Picayune, May 28, 1847. Kenly, Md. Vol., 368. 69Hughes to Scott, Jan. 5, 1848. 349Pattridge to Miss W., May 22, 1848. Apuntes, 363. Wilhelm, Eighth Infantry, i, 4830. Sedgwick, Corresp., 1, 145. Ballentine, English Soldier, i, 276-7. Spirit of the Times, July 4, 1846. Perry, Indiana, 141. 76Document sent by Garay, Dec. 30, 1846. 335Belton to Hitchcock, Aug. 23, 1847.

51. This money had a powerful influence in keeping the people quiet.

52. Scott, Mems., 11, 396, 580. Grant, Mems., i, 102. Gutiérrez de Estrada, Méx. en 1840. 110Barbour, diary. 95Belton, proclam., July 16, 1847. 13Doyle, no. 1, 1848. Delta, Jan. 19, 1847. Rodríguez, Breve Reseña, 1848. Lawton, Artillery Officer, 24. New London Morning News, Dec. 10, 1846. Apuntes, 368. 350Weber, recolls. Cong. Globe, 45, 3, pp. 1627-8 (Shields). Picayune, Sept. 14, 1847.


1. 52Trist, nos. 16, confid., 17, confid., 18, 22-3. (Trist's despatches, as printed in Sen. 52; 30 1, are not in all cases complete.) Sierra, Evolution i, 223. (Outrages) Arco Iris, Nov. 9, 1847. Razonador in Nacional, Jan. 5, 1848. Nacional, Jan. 19, 1848. 80Almonte to Olaguíbel, Sept. 16, 1847. 335Thornton to Trist, Dec. 5, 1847. Hitchcock, Fifty Years, 308-9, 315. Calhoun Corresp., 1163, 1166. 349Partridge to Miss W., May 22, 1848. 125Bonham to mother, Dec. 7, 1847. Ills. State Hist. Soc. Trans., 1912, pp. 17-23. Lawton, Artill. Officer, 327, 331. Wash. Union, May 22, 1847. 291P. F. Smith to Pierce, undated. Monitor Repub., Dec. 3, 14, 1847. Picayune, Dec. 23, 1847; Jan. 7, 8, 1848. 13Doyle, no. 18, 1848. (Damages) 76Circular, Oct. 3, 1847.

2. Sierra, Evol., i, 223. 13Thornton, no. 6, 1847. Roa Bárcena, Recuerdos, 571. 52Trist, nos. 18, 22-8. Picayune, Nov. 30, 1847; Feb. 20, 1848. Protesta de la Diputación. Tributo á la Verdad, 58. Nacional, Jan. 8, 19, 1848. 80Olaguíbel, proclam., Dec. 9, 1847. 335Thornton to Trist, Dec. 5, 1847. Rivera, Jalapa, iv, 23, 40, 45,