345Frearoon to Van Buren, Jan. 23, 1847. 345Blair to V. B., Jan. 29, 1848. Tyler, Tyler, ii, 457 (Gardiner). 345G. A. Worth to V. B., Mar. 20, 1847. 139Gentry to Campbell, Feb. 20, 1847. Schurz, Clay, ii, 289. Von Holst, U. S., iii, 273, 292, 336. Boston Atlas, Dec. 12, 1846. Benton, Abr. Debates, xvi, 75 (Badger). Kohl, Claims, 71.
Taking advantage of the feeling about Polk's personality and methods, his enemies felt warranted in straining points against him. It was called treachery to negotiate with Santa Anna while negotiating with Paredes (No. American, Dec. 15, 1846), even though the latter negotiation had practically ended before the former began. His dwelling upon our claims against Mexico in his annual Message of 1846, which it was quite proper to do in reviewing the Mexican situation, was represented as an afterthought, intended to justify a blow already struck and discrediting the assertion that Mexico had caused the war by invading our territory (Boston Atlas, Dec. 12, 1846) It was pointed out that the proclamation sent to Taylor for distribution ascribed to the United States aims different from those professed in the Message of May 11 (Nat. Intellig, Aug. 14, 1846), as if Polk could be required to say everything every time.
6. 256Marcy to Wetmore, Jan. 21; Oct. 5; Nov. 7; Dec. 12, 1846. Welles papers. 345Wright to Van Buren, Nov. 10, 1846. 345Cambrelong to Id., Nov. 30. 345Thompson to Id., Dec. 23. 345Blair to Id., Dec. 26. . 345Albany Atlas, extra, Dec., 1846. 345G. A. Worth to V. B., Mar. 20, 1847. 253Mower to McLean, Aug. 27, 1846. 132Wright to Buchanan, Sept. 8, 10, 1846. Bigelow, Tilden, i, 110-1. Blaine, Twenty Years, i, 78. Buchanan, Works, viii, 365-7. 234A. Johnson to; July 22, 1846, private.
The "Conservative" party arose in 1837 from the opposition to Van Buren's sub-treasury plan, which Silas Wright championed. Many honest Conservatives, realizing they had been mistaken, left the party; but their places were taken by canal claimants.
7. Welles papers. Calhoun Correspond., 713 (to Mrs. C.). (Hang) 234A. Johnson to
, July 22, 1846 — (Office-seekers) Polk, Diary, Feb. 24; Apr. 7, 1847, etc. (Oregon) Polk, Diary, Feb. 24, 1846; Polit. Sci. Qtrly., xxvi, 458 (R. L. Schuyler); Cong. Globe, 29, 1, p. 815 (Delano); Boston Atlas, May 20, 1846; Blaine, Twenty Years, i, 65; Wash. Union, Aug. 18, 1846. (Veto) 253Mower to McLean, Aug. 8, 1846; 1083Appleton to Bancroft, July 16, 1847; Wash. Union, Aug. 3, 1846, quoting Nat. Intellig.; N. Y. Herald, Aug. 15, 1846; No. American, Jan. 14; Dec. 20, 1847. (Generals) Von Holst, U. S., iii, 298; Rhodes, U. S., i, 89; Buchanan, Works, viii, 365-7; Calhoun Corresp., 727-8 (to D.G.). 345Butler to Van Buren, Nov. 6, 1847.8. Lowell, Biglow papers, i, 59. (Adams) 260Winthrop to N. Hale, Wash., "Sunday." (Giddings) Wash. Union, June 30; July 2, 1846. Cole, Whig Party, 118-9. Smith, Annex. of Texas, 258-80. Cong. Globe, 29, 1, p. 309. (La.) Vol. i, p. 205 and note 3; N. Orl. Jeffersonian in Nat. Intellig., Aug. 28, 1846; Wash. Union, June 30; July 2; Aug. 11, 1846. Calhoun Corresp., 1096-7 (Fisher). N. Y. Tribune, May 13; Dec. 15, 1846. 137Prescott to Calhoun, Aug. 20, 1847.
9. Ho. 85; 29, 2. 253Mower to McLean, Aug. 8, 1846. Taussig, Tariff Hist., 114-5. 345Welles to Van Buren, July 28, 1846. London Times, Dec. 3, 1846. Courrier des Etats Unis, Oct. 17; Nov. 6, 1846. N. Y. Sun, July 9, 1846. N.Y. Express, Nov. 10, 17, 21, 30, 1846. Niles, July 18, p. 305 (Sentinel); Aug. 1, p. 345 (Nat. Intellig.); Sept. 12, p. 17,