1846. Boston Courier, July 8, 1846. Blaine, Twenty Years, i, 65. Boston Atlas, Jan. 6, 1847. Wash. Union, Aug. 18, 28, 1846. Nat. Intellig., Aug. 5, 1846. N. Y. Tribune, Dec. 3, 1846. No. American, July 16, 17; Aug. 1; Dec. 9, 1846. (Betrayed) Smith, Annex. of Texas, 314.
10. 241W. to J. Kent, Dec. 11, 1846; Jan. 17; Mar. 5, 1847. Amer. Review, Oct., 1847, 333-46. Johnston and Browne, Stephens, 210-1. London Times, Dec. 3, 1846. Sherman Letters, 38-9. Webster, Writings, x, 12. Winthrop, Winthrop, 61. 13Pakenham, no. 98, 1846. N. Y. Sun, Aug. 28, 1846. No. American, Dec. 30, 1846; Jan. 18, 1847. Rhodes, U. S., i, 91. Wash. Union, Sept. 30, 1846 (Mass. convention). Nat. Intellig., July 18; Dec. 25, 1846; Apr. 17; Nov. 20, 1847. St. Louis Republican, July 23, 1846. Journ. of Comm. in Wash. Union, Aug. 6, 1847.
Stephen A. Douglas, who stood quite close to the administration, said in the Senate: "Conquest was not the motive for the prosecution of the war; satisfaction, indemnity, security, was the motive — conquest and territory the means" (Cong. Globe, 30, 1, app., 222).
11. Ho. 23, 81, 85; 29, 2. Sen. 97; 29, 2. Webster, Writings, ix, 260; x, 12; xii, 359. Sherman Letters, 38-9. Boston Advertiser, Oct. 3, 1846. Niles, Sept. 18, 1847, p. 44. Rhodes, U.S., 1, 91. Blaine, Twenty Years, 1, 65. Winthrop before the Mass. convention (note 10). Courrier des Etats Unis, Oct. 17; Nov. 6, 1846. Wash. Union, Apr. 29, 1847. Pierce, Sumner, ui, 140, 144, 146. Lowell, Biglow papers, i, 56. Livermore, War, 92. Curtis, Webster, 1, 324. Amer. Review, 1847, p. 441. 13Pakenham, no. 98, 1846. Benton, Abr. Debs., xvi, 54 (Morehead). (West) 198Berrien to Gallatin, June 7, 1848. The North American of Oct. 8, 1847, used this language: "The abstract question of the extension of slavery is not the only nor the greatest issue of this contest. The great question is, shall we become the dependants and vassals of a Southern political ascendancy? . . . The nabobs of the South will dictate to us the terms upon which, in the face of their hostile policy, we shall struggle for existence. Our agriculture, our manufactures, our commerce, will be committed to their guardianship — the guardianship of the wolf over the lamb." At the Springfield Whig convention, Sept. 29, 1847, Webster said he would "resist any further increase of slave representation,' which meant the same thing (Writings, xiii, 362). Nat. Intellig., Dec. 29, 1846. Cong. Globe, 29, 1, app., 919 (G. Davis). (Heroes) 345Law to Van Buren, Aug. 2, 1847. Welles papers. Calhoun Corresp., 1096-7 (Fisher). Nat. Intellig., May 13, 1846. London Times, Dec. 18, 1846. 13Pakenham, no. 93, 1846. Louisville Journal, Mar. 31, 1847. N. Y. Express, Apr. 2, 1847. Wash. Union, Aug. 13, 1847. (Debasement, etc.) Amer. Review, 1847, p. 441; Lyell, Second Visit (N. Y., 1849), 1, 257; Ho. 81; 29, 2; Monitor Repub., Feb. 2, 1847 (quoting Boston Atlas); Nat. Intellig., Nov. 28 (quoting N. Y. Eve. Post); Dec. 29, 1846; Norfolk Herald, Apr. 12, 1847; etc.
12. N. Y. Tribune, May 19, 1846. Cong. Globe, 29, 1, pp. 788 (Crittenden), 835. Welles papers. 169Rives to Crittenden, Feb. 5, 1847. Hammond, Wright, 672. Von Holst, U. S., iii, 252. Amer. Review, Feb., 1847, 109, 118. Wash. Union, Mar. 19, 1847. Schurz, Clay, 1, 289. Detroit Free Press, Nov. 28, 1846. Cincin. Enquirer, Dec. 16, 1846. No. American, May 12, 1846. N. Y. Herald, Dec. 19, 1846. (Capital) 139Fulton to Campbell, Jan.
The proper stand for the Whigs was pointed out by Gov. Briggs of , 1847.