Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/564

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Instrucciones otorgadas por la Junta General. 1847.
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Itúrbide, Agustin de. Mémoires. Paris. 1824.
Jackson, Mary A. Gen. T. J. Jackson. N. Y. 1892 [1891]. Memoirs of Stonewall Jackson. Louisville. [1895.]
Jameson, J. F. Calhoun's Correspondence (Am. Hist. Assoc., Annual Report for 1899, vol. II). Wash. 1900.
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Jenkinson, Charles. Collection of all the Treaties, etc. 3 v. London. 1785.
Jiménez, M. M. (see also Giménez). Apologia de . . . S. Anna en . . . Cerro-Gordo. Méx. 1847.
Johnson, Allen. Stephen A. Douglas. N. Y. 1908.
Johnson, B. T. J. E. Johnston. Balto. 1891.
Johnson, R. W. Gen. G. H. Thomas. Phila. 1881.
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Jollivet, [Adolphe]. Documents Américains. (Several series.) Paris. 1844-45.
Jomini, A. H. Hist. Critique et Militaire des Guerres de la Révol., etc. Nouv. éd. 14 v. Paris. 1820-24. Précis de l'Art de la Guerre. 2 v. Paris. 1894.
Jones, Anson. Letters relating to the History of Annexation. 2 ed. Phila. 1852. Memoranda and Official Correspondence. N. Y. 1859.
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"Journalist." See Pray.
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Junta Deptl. de Coahuila. Iniciativa. Méx. 1845.
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