Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/565

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Kell, J. M. Recollections of a Naval Life. Wash. 1900.
Kelsey, R. W. U. S. Consulate in California (Acad. of Pacific Coast History). Berkeley. 1910.
Kendall, Amos. Autobiography (Stickney, ed.). Boston. 1872.
Kendall, G. W. Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition. 2 v. N. Y. 1844.
Kenly, J. R. Memoirs of a Maryland Volunteer. Phila. 1873.
Kennedy, William. Texas. 2 ed. 2 v. London. 1841.
Kent, James. Commentaries. 4 ed. 4 v. N. Y. 1840.
Keyes, E. D. Fifty Years' Observation of Men and Events. N. Y. 1884.
Kimball, J. P. Laws and Decrees of . . . Coahuila and Texas. Houston. 1839.
Kinglake, A. W. Invasion of the Crimea. 8 v. Edinburgh. 1863-87.
Kitchen, S. C. Record of the Wyoming Artillerists. Tunkhannock, Pa. 1874,
Klein, Julius. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (University of California Chronicle, VII).
Knox, J. J. U. S. Notes. N. Y. 1884.
Kohl, C. C. Claims as a Cause of the Mexican War. N. Y. 1914.
Krehbiel, E. B. Nationalism, War and Society. N. Y. 1916.
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Lafragua, J. M. Arenga Cívica. Méx. 1848.
Lalor, J. J. Cyclopaedia of Political Science, etc. 3 v. Chicago. 1886.
Lamar, M. B. Inaugural Address. Houston. 1838.
Lamentos de los Mexicanos. Puebla. 1847.
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Lane, W. P. Adventures and Recollections. Marshall, Tex. 1887.
Lara, M. U. de. Noticias Geog. y Estad. de la Repúb. Mex. Méx. 1841. Resumen Histórico. Méx. 1852. Revista Política. Méx. 1840.
Larned, J. N. Literature of Amer. Hist. (with supplements by Griffin, Slade and Wells). Boston. 1902.
Latané, J. H. Diplom. Relations of U. S. and Spanish America. Balto. 1900.
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Lavallès, Félix. Etudes Hist. sur le Mexique. Paris.
Laws and Decrees of Repub. Mex. (re coloniz. in N. Mex. and Calif.). N. Y. 1871.
Lawson, W. T. Literature of the Mexican War. [N. Y.? 1882.]
Lawton, Eba A. See Anderson, Robert.
Lea, Homer. The Valor of Ignorance. N. Y. [1909.]
Leclercq, Jules [J.]. Voyage au Mexique, etc. Paris. 1885. La Vallée de México. Bruxelles. 1885.
Lee, G. C. Hist. of North America. [University ed.] 20 v. Phila. {1903-7.] See Schafer.