Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/567

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MacDonald, William. From Jefferson to Lincoln. N. Y. [1913.]
Macgregor, John. Progress of America. 2 v. London. 1847.
McGroarty, J. S. Hist. of California. Los Angeles. 1911.
Mackenzie, W. L. Van Buren. Boston. 1846.
McLaughlin, A. C. Lewis Cass. Boston. [1899.]
Maclay, E. S. U. S. Navy. 2 v. N. Y. 1894.
McMaster, J. B. Daniel Webster. N. Y. 1902. Hist. of the U. S, 8 v. N. Y. 1883-1913.
McParlin, T. A. Hist. and Climate of N. Mex. Wash. 1877.
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McSherry, Richard. El Puchero. Phila. 1850. Essays. Balto. 1869.
McWhorter, G. C. Incident in War of the U. S. with Mexico. [N. Y.? 187-.]
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Madison, James. Writings (Hunt, ed.). 9 v. N. Y. 1900-10.
Magoon, C. E. Law of Civil Government in Territory Subject to Military Occupation, etc. 2 ed. Wash. 1902.
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Manifiesto del Cong. Gen. en el presente Año. Méx. 1836.
Manifiesto  . . . del Estado de Veracruz. 1846.
Manifiesto del  . . . Presidente Interino, etc. Méx. 1846.
Manifiesto del  . . . Santa Anna. Méx. 1844.
Manifiesto del Supr. Tribunal de Guerra y Marina. Méx. 1848.
Manifiesto que dirige á la Nación el Gen. Juan Alvarez, etc. Méx. 1845.
Manifiesto que el Hon. Cong. delnbsp; . . . Veracruz dirige. Veracruz. 1847.
Manifiesto que Hace el Gob . . . . de Sinaloa, etc. Mazatlan. 1847.
Manning, W. R. Early Diplomatic Relations between the U. S. and Mexico. Balto. 1916.
Mansfield, E. D. Gen. W. Scott. N. Y. 1852. Mexican War. N. Y. 1852.
Marmolejo, Lucio. Efemérides Guanajuatensis. 2 v. Guanajuato. 1883.
Marryat, Frederick. Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet. Paris. 1844.
Marshall, T. M. Western Boundary of the Louisiana Purchase. Berkeley. 1914.
Martens, G. F. von [ed.]. Recueil des principaux Traités depuis 1761. 7 v. Gottingue. 1791-1801.
Martin, F. X. Hist. of Louisiana (with addition by J. F. Condon).-New Orleans. 1882.
Mason, E. V. Gen. R. E. Lee. Balto. 1872.
Mason, R. H. Pictures of Life in Mexico. 2 v. London. 1851 [1852?].