Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/568

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Mata, I. M. Reflecciones sobre la Guerra, etc. New Orleans. 1847. Mateos, J. A. Hist. Parl. de los Cong. Mex. 10 v. Méx. 1877-86.
Maury, D. H. Recollections of a Virginian. N. Y. 1894.
Maury, S. M. Statesmen of America in 1846. London. 1847.
May, C. A. Card (leaflet). [1847]
Mayer, Brantz. Mexico as it was and as it is. Balto. 1846. Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican. 2 v. in one. Hartford. 1852. War between Mexico and U. S. N. Y. 1848.
Maza, F. F. de la. Código de Colonización y Terrenos Baldíos. Méx. 1893.
Meade, George. Life and Letters of G. G. Meade. 2 v. N. Y. 1913.
Medina, Ant. de. Exposición. Méx. 1823.
Meigs, W. M. C. J. Ingersoll. Phila. 1897. T. H. Benton. Phila. 1904.
Memoir of General Scott. Wash. 1852.
Memoranda of Four Claims against Mexico. Wash. 1853.
Memoria que contiene los principales Actos del Gobierno del . . . Doblado. Guanajuato. 1847.
Memorias. 1822-46. The published series of annual reports of the Mexican Departments of Relaciones Exteriores (y Interiores), Guerra y Marina, Hacienda and Justicia, etc. (Most of these can be found in Coleccion de Memorias, Vols. I-IX. See also "Memorias" under the head of MS. Sources.)
Mensage del Ciud. J. Soto, etc. Orizaba. 1848.
Mercier de Lacombe, H. Le Mexique et les Etats Unis. 2 ed. Paris. 1863.
Merriam, G. S. Samuel Bowles. 2 v. N. Y. 1885.
Metcalfe (Henry) and Whipple (C. W.). Ordnance Dept., U. S. Army, at the International Exhibition, 1876. Wash. 1884.
"Mexicano, Un." Méx. en 1847, etc. Méx. 1847.
Mexicanos (Los) pintados por Sí Mismos. [Méx. 1855.] (See Rivera, J. M.)
México á través de los Siglos (by several authors). 6 v. Méx.
México en 1847. See "Mexicano, Un."
Michie, P. S. Gen. McClellan. N. Y. 1901.
Milit. History Soc. of Mass. Civil and Mexican Wars. Boston. 1913.
Mofras. See Duflot.
Molina, Ignacio. El Asalto . . . de Chapultepec. Méx.
Moltke, H. C. B. von. Franco-German War of 1870-71 (Bell and Fisher, trs.). N. Y. 1892.
Monroe, James. Writings (Hamilton, ed.). 7 v. N. Y. 1898-1903.
Montgomery, H. Life of Gen. Z. Taylor. 18 ed. Auburn. 1849.
Moody, Loring. Facts for the People. Boston. 1847. History of the Mexican War. 2 ed. Boston. 1848.
Moore, H. J. Scott's Campaign. Charleston. 1849.
Moore, J. B. American Diplomacy. N. Y. 1905. Digest of Internat. Law. 8 v. Wash. 1906. Hist. and Digest of Internat. Arbitrations. 6 v. Wash. 1898.